BioCity PhD Mini-Symposium


23 elokuun, 2023    
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Manu1-4 meeting room
BioCity 1st floor, Turku
BioCity PhD Mini-Symposium

August 23rd at 13:00-17:00
On-site event
Manu1-4 meeting room, BioCity


A team of Doctoral Researchers are delighted to announce the BioCity PhD Mini-Symposium planned on the afternoon before the main symposium, i.e., on Wednesday 23rd August, 2023. This will be an ideal platform for BioCity Students, PhD researchers and early-career postdocs to connect, network and exchange ideas before the main event. The student and researcher community of BioCity Turku has diverse scientific and technical expertise, and the intent is to facilitate interactions in an informal way.

The event itself will have two poster sessions and a few talks, with coffee, snacks and drinks of course, and the event will take place in Manu1-4 meeting room, in BioCity at 13:00-17:00.

Stay tuned for updates and program, they will appear soon!

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either one (or all) of the following organizing committee members:
Omkar Joshi (
Leena Koskinen (
Marie-Catherine Laisne (



The following companies are present in the event

