Tapahtumat arkisto

Minisymposium: Macrophage Plasticity: Shapeshifting Heroes or Still Villains?
Minisymposium: Macrophage Plasticity: Shapeshifting Heroes or Still Villains? When: October 7, 13:00 – 16:30 Where: Presidentti-auditorium, Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki Speakers: Professor Steffen Jung, the [...]

Minisymposium: Macrophage Plasticity: Shapeshifting Heroes or Still Villains?
We would like to welcome everyone to participate in the mini-symposium 'Macrophage Plasticity: Shapeshifting Heroes or Still Villains?' featuring distinguished guest speakers Burkhard Becher, Steffen [...]

Frontiers of Science: Carlos L. Arteaga
October 3rd at 12:00 Onsite event in Presidentti auditorium, BioCity Autumn 2024 program Prof. Carlos L. Arteaga, UTSW Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA [...]

BioCity Turku Guest Seminar: Prof. Makoto Suematsu
2nd October at 12:00 Onsite event in Presidentti auditorium, BioCity Prof. Makoto Suematsu, Keio University WPI-Bio2Q Research Center Imaging metabolomics in humanized experimental platforms: Translation [...]

Frontiers of Science: James C. Costello
September 26th at 12:00 Onsite event in Arje Scheinin auditorium, Dentalia Autumn 2024 program Prof. James C. Costello, University of Colorado, USA A novel mechanism [...]

InFLAMES Flagship Seminar: The latest in the MS research from the ECTRIMS 2024 conference
InFLAMES Flagship Seminar: The latest in the MS research from the ECTRIMS 2024 conference When: 25 September 2024, 15:00 – 16:00 Where: Medisiina D Lauren [...]

Guest seminar by Professor George Brooks: Muscle and Whole Body Lactate Kinetics: Organ-Organ, Cell-Cell, Intracellular, and Postprandial Lactate Shuttles
When: Wednesday, 25 September at 10:00 Where: Turku PET Centre 1st floor seminar room Presenter: Professor George Brooks, University of California, Berkeley Title: Muscle and Whole [...]

BioCity Turku Guest Seminar: Sarah Teichmann
17th September at 10:00 Onsite event in Putous Auditorio, Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, 2nd floor Flyer Sarah Teichmann, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge University [...]

Frontiers of Science: Ellen Rothenberg
September 12th at 12:00 Onsite event in Presidentti auditorium, BioCity Autumn 2024 program Prof. Ellen Rothenberg, California Institute of Technology, USA Epigenomic and gene [...]