Tapahtumat arkisto

Cancer Research Seminars, Spring 2023!
Feb 7.2.23 Lauren 1 - Medisiina D & virtual at 15-16.15 Meeting ID: 692 0798 1823 Passcode: 646152 The Turku Cancer Research Society & Western [...]

Frontiers of Science: Prof. Josef Köhrle
February 2nd at 12:00 on-site event Presidentti auditorium, BioCity Spring 2023 program Prof. Josef Köhrle, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Germany Endocrine disruption of thyroid development [...]

InFLAMES Corporate Corner – Immunoprofiling and Immunodrug Development
Welcome to the InFLAMES Research Flagship's Corporate Corner titled Immunoprofiling and Immunodrug development. In the event, you will hear the latest news of immunoprofiling and immunodrug development from [...]

InFLAMES Flagship Seminar - January
Monthly InFLAMES Flagship seminar. The seminar is held strictly on-site in Pha1 auditorium, PharmaCity. There’s coffee/tea and pulla served for the participants. See you there! [...]

InFLAMES Flagship Seminar, December
Welcome to the InFLAMES Flagship seminar! The seminar is held strictly on-site in Pha1 auditorium, PharmaCity. There’s coffee/tea and baked goods served for the participants. [...]

Frontiers of Science (FoS): Prof. Gianfranco Pacchioni
December 8th at 12:00 on-site event Argentum auditorium, Aurum Autumn 2022 poster Frontiers of Science meets Aurum! Prof. Gianfranco Pacchioni, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, [...]

Laboratorioverkoston ajankohtaiset asiat -tilaisuus
Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan Tilaisuuden alussa glögitarjoilu Naturan ala-aulassa klo 14:00-14:30. Ohjelma Natura IX -salissa klo 14:30-16:00. Ilmoittaudu tilaisuuteen viimeistään to 24.11. klo 16:00. Ohjelmassa on ajankohtaista [...]

InFLAMES Christmas Holiday Cruise
InFLAMES “Pikkujoulu” mini-cruise on board Viking Glory on November 29th. More details and registration link coming in the future.