Tapahtumat arkisto

Cancer Research Seminars, Spring 2023!

Cancer Research Seminars, Spring 2023!

7 helmikuun, 2023    
3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Feb 7.2.23 Lauren 1 - Medisiina D & virtual at 15-16.15 Meeting ID: 692 0798 1823 Passcode: 646152 The Turku Cancer Research Society & Western [...]
Immunology Seminar Series, Luke O’Neill

Immunology Seminar Series, Luke O’Neill

7 helmikuun, 2023    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Frontiers of Science: Prof. Josef Köhrle

Frontiers of Science: Prof. Josef Köhrle

2 helmikuun, 2023    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
February 2nd at 12:00 on-site event Presidentti auditorium, BioCity Spring 2023 program Prof. Josef Köhrle, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Germany Endocrine disruption of thyroid development [...]
InFLAMES Corporate Corner – Immunoprofiling and Immunodrug Development

InFLAMES Corporate Corner – Immunoprofiling and Immunodrug Development

26 tammikuun, 2023    
11:45 am - 6:00 pm
Welcome to the InFLAMES Research Flagship's Corporate Corner titled Immunoprofiling and Immunodrug development. In the event, you will hear the latest news of immunoprofiling and immunodrug development from [...]
InFLAMES Flagship Seminar - January

InFLAMES Flagship Seminar - January

18 tammikuun, 2023    
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Monthly InFLAMES Flagship seminar. The seminar is held strictly on-site in Pha1 auditorium, PharmaCity. There’s coffee/tea and pulla served for the participants. See you there! [...]
InFLAMES Flagship Seminar, December

InFLAMES Flagship Seminar, December

14 joulukuun, 2022    
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Welcome to the InFLAMES Flagship seminar! The seminar is held strictly on-site in Pha1 auditorium, PharmaCity. There’s coffee/tea and baked goods served for the participants. [...]
13 joulu

Immunology Seminar Series: Alexander Mildner

13 joulukuun, 2022    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Frontiers of Science (FoS): Prof. Gianfranco Pacchioni

Frontiers of Science (FoS): Prof. Gianfranco Pacchioni

8 joulukuun, 2022    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
December 8th at 12:00 on-site event Argentum auditorium, Aurum Autumn 2022 poster Frontiers of Science meets Aurum! Prof. Gianfranco Pacchioni, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, [...]
Laboratorioverkoston ajankohtaiset asiat -tilaisuus

Laboratorioverkoston ajankohtaiset asiat -tilaisuus

7 joulukuun, 2022    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan Tilaisuuden alussa glögitarjoilu Naturan ala-aulassa klo 14:00-14:30. Ohjelma Natura IX -salissa klo 14:30-16:00. Ilmoittaudu tilaisuuteen viimeistään to 24.11. klo 16:00. Ohjelmassa on ajankohtaista [...]
InFLAMES Christmas Holiday Cruise

InFLAMES Christmas Holiday Cruise

29 marraskuun, 2022    
All Day
  InFLAMES “Pikkujoulu” mini-cruise on board Viking Glory on November 29th. More details and registration link coming in the future.