InFLAMES Visiting Professor Career Talk: Aled Clayton


October 4, 2022    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
InFLAMES Visiting Professor Career Talk: Aled Clayton

Dear All,

Welcome to the Career Talk by InFLAMES Visiting Professor Aled Clayton! The talk is held on Tuesday October 4th at 11 in Medisiina D Lauren 2.

Coffee, tea and sandwiches are served before the seminar.

InFLAMES also organizes an informal lunch meeting for early career scientists with Professor Clayton immediately after his career talk at 12 in Medisiina D Blokki 1. Please register separately for this event here:


About Professor Clayton:

Prof. Clayton established the first group focused on investigating the roles of extracellular vesicles (exosomes) in the UK. The group has published highly cited articles in relation to vesicles, their roles in subverting immune responses, in controlling the cancer microenvironment and as potential disease biomarkers. He has published some of the seminal articles of the EV field with a h-index of 45 (>18 000 citations).

He is interested in understanding the mechanisms by which vesicle biogenesis and secretion is controlled, and the impact such vesicles have on the development and progression of cancer; particularly focusing on prostate cancer. Developing tools and assays to quantify nano-vesicles in biological fluid specimens is also an important aspect of the group’s activities.

Although his main focus is in cancer biology, he collaborates broadly with researchers in Cardiff, including those in the schools of dentistry, engineering  and optometry, and interacts with other Universities on aspects including cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases and other conditions that impact society in significant ways.


Few selected publications:

Connolly, K. D. et al. 2015. Characterisation of adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles released pre- and post-adipogenesis. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 4(s1), article number: 29159. (10.3402/jev.v4.29159)

Beltrami, C. et al. 2015. Stabilization of urinary microRNAs by association with exosomes and argonaute 2 protein. Non-Coding RNA 1(2), pp. 151-166. (10.3390/ncrna1020151)

Salimu, J., Spary, L. K., Al-Taei, S., Clayton, A., Mason, M. D., Staffurth, J. and Tabi, Z. 2015. Cross-Presentation of the Oncofetal Tumor Antigen 5T4 from Irradiated Prostate Cancer Cells—A Key Role for Heat-Shock Protein 70 and Receptor CD91. Cancer Immunology Research 3(6), pp. 678-688. (10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-14-0079)

Webber, J. P., Yeung, V. and Clayton, A. 2015. Extracellular vesicles as modulators of the cancer microenvironment. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 40, pp. 27-34. (10.1016/j.semcdb.2015.01.013)

Welton, J. L., Webber, J. P., Botos, L., Jones, M. and Clayton, A. 2015. Ready-made chromatography columns for extracellular vesicle isolation from plasma. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 4, article number: 27269. (10.3402/jev.v4.27269)

Kim, D. et al. 2015. EVpedia: a community web portal for extracellular vesicles research. Bioinformatics 31(6), pp. 933-939. (10.1093/bioinformatics/btu741)

Chowdhury, R., Webber, J. P., Gurney, M., Mason, M. D., Tabi, Z. and Clayton, A. 2015. Cancer exosomes trigger mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into pro-angiogenic and pro-invasive myofibroblasts. Oncotarget 6(2), pp. 715-731. (10.18632/oncotarget.2711)

Webber, J. P. et al. 2015. Differentiation of tumour-promoting stromal myofibroblasts by cancer exosomes. Oncogene 34(3), pp. 290-302. (10.1038/onc.2013.560)