Career talks: Mark Ansel and Mary Keir


August 19, 2022    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Career talks: Mark Ansel and Mary Keir

Welcome to career talks by Dr. Mary Keir and InFLAMES Visiting Professor Mark Ansel  on Friday August 19th. Talks  will take place at 10.00 am in Lauren 1 auditorium in Medisiina D building.

Coffee, tea and cookies will be served before the seminar.


Dr. Mark Ansel is InFLAMES Visiting Professor from University of California where he is professor of immunology. Dr. Mark Ansel studies the molecular mechanisms that control miRNA homeostasis and extracellular release by lymphocytes, and determine how the miRNA repertoire is so dramatically remodeled during activation. He also aims to chracterize the function of RBPs and individual miRNAs that regulate T cell differentiation and immune effector functions. Ansel lab has developed a screening technology that allows them to rapidly determine which specific miRNAs regulate each of these T cell behaviors, and pipelines for determining miRNA expression patterns in very small clinical samples.
Dr. Mark Ansel homepage:


Dr. Mary Keir is a principal Scientist in Biomarker Discovery lab at Genentech. She studies the mechanisms underlying IBD pathogenesis to identify biomarkers to define and follow patients most likely to respond to current and emerging therapies. Dr. Keir is interested in epithelial barrier function, inflammatory T cells, and the microbiota as key drivers of IBD pathobiology. Current work in Keir lab is focused on understanding intestinal epithelial regrowth and differentiation and interaction between the microbiota, epithelial cells and the immune system. Another long-standing interest in the lab is inflammatory T cells in the gut. They use in vitro model system, such as primary human organoids, to identify biomarkers and support clinical studies.
Dr. Mary Keir homepage:



For any questions or inquiries please contact InFLAMES Research Coordinator Sampo Koivunen at

Sampo Koivunen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


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Meeting ID: 623 8733 1985