PiF Panel Discussion: Different Paths Q&A


November 16, 2023    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
PiF Panel Discussion: Different Paths Q&A
  • What: Different Paths Q & A – careers beyond research
  • When: November 16th, from 14-16
  • Where: Workshop room, Joki Conference Center

University education opens much more career options than just research. InFLAMES PiF (Postdocs in Flames) committee invites anybody considering theirs to join the Different Paths Q & A panel discussion, where the people from different work sectors share their thoughts. For anybody wondering the direction of their own career, or just interested in hearing about the reality of different paths, this is a great chance to hear the thoughts from the insight track.

The panelists are:

  • Emeritus Professor Mark Johnson, Åbo Akademi University
  • PhD Eeva Rainio, Head of Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku
  • PhD, Docent Jarkko Koivunen, Research Manager, InFLAMES Flagship, University of Turku
  • PhD, Docent Salla Ruskamo, Project Manager, Biovian
  • PhD, Pauliina Niemelä, QA Director, Radiometer Turku

The panel discussion goes from 2-3 pm, followed by relaxed networking among the participants and the panelists over some wine and food from 3-4 pm. In order to gauge the need for catering, please register by Nov 13th using the following link:
