Immunology Seminar Series, Mihai Netea


June 4, 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Immunology Seminar Series, Mihai Netea

June 4th online at 14 – 15 (Finland time)
Virtual event


Mihai Netea, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands: “Trained immunity – a memory for innate host defense”

Please register latest June 3rd at

Host: Riitta Lahesmaa ( )

Immunology seminar series is jointly organised by the Finnish Society for Immunology, InFLAMES Flagship and Turku Bioscience. For further information contact Anne Lahdenperä  ( ) or Riitta Lahesmaa ( ), University of Turku.



Mihai Netea was born and studied medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He completed his PhD at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on studies investigating the cytokine network in sepsis. After working as a post-doc at the University of Colorado, he returned to Nijmegen where he finished his clinical training as an infectious diseases specialist, and where he currently heads the division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Nijmegen University Nijmegen Medical Center. He is mainly interested in understanding the memory traits of innate immunity (trained immunity), the factors influencing variability of human immune responses, and the immune dysregulation during bacterial and fungal infections. He is the recipient of the Spinoza Prize 2016 and an ERC Advanced grant in 2019, and since 2016 he is a member of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW).

Selected publications:

  1. Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Tsilika M, Moorlag S, … , Papadopoulos A, Netea MG. Activate: Randomized Clinical Trial of BCG Vaccination against Infection in the Elderly. 2020 Oct 15;183(2):315-323.e9
  1. Katzmarski N, Domínguez-Andrés J, Cirovic B, … Schultze JL, Roger T, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Schlitzer A, Netea MG. Transmission of trained immunity and heterologous resistance to infections across generations. Nat Immunol. 2021 Nov;22(11):1382-1390
  2. Bekkering S, Arts RJW, … , Stunnenberg H, Riksen NP, Netea MG. Metabolic Induction of Trained Immunity through the Mevalonate Pathway. Cell. 2018; 172:135-146
  1. Mitroulis I, Ruppova K, Wang B, … , Hajishengallis G, Netea MG, Chavakis T. Modulation of Myelopoiesis Progenitors Is an Integral Component of Trained Immunity. 2018; 172:147-161
  2. Netea MG, Joosten LA, Latz E, Mills KH, Natoli G, Stunnenberg HG, O’Neill LA, Xavier RJ. Trained immunity: A program of innate immune memory in health and disease. 2016 Apr 22;352(6284):aaf1098